The Girl Child (My best work till date)

Posted by Prince Monday, May 11, 2009 1 comments

I asked,
“What about my eyes?”
I will fill them with tears.
I asked,
“What about my heart?”
I will break it with sorrow.
I asked,
“What about my body?”
I will crush and throw it away.

Crushed and thrown away, in the realms of Darkness. Denied the gift of life and treated like a piece of trifling grime, a tiny fetus thinks, what went wrong? Suddenly, an eternal light surrounded her, the divine radiance, the answer to all her questions, the doors of the wonder of inner spaces and longings lay in her façade.
“Do you know what the music is saying?” it said, “Come follow me and you will find the way. Your mistakes can also lead you to the truth. When you ask, the answer will be given”.
I asked “O enlightened one answer, is the make of my Chromosome which states ‘XX’ my biggest fault? Is that why I have been denoted blemished and deprived of the beautiful existence of a human? Is that why, I have been discarded even before I began my journey? Is that a law in your world?”
“Alas, destiny chose you as one of the many underprivileged souls which live on the very same planet which the Gods created for their most beautiful conception, when god created Man on the sixth day of creation; He knew that the man’s 12th rib would be the source of an extraordinary creature which would have a heart of gold, a tongue of fire and a touch of petals, but the same creature would be the derivation point of war, unlimited pain, suffering and finally the ‘Original Sin’. Little did he know that man would always be jealous of this most astonishing being and would use all his might to incarcerate and dominate her.” Replied the Radiance.
“But how can they count my sins even before I set foot on the world? How can they justify that I was a curse, even before I breathe my first whiff of the worldly air?” I asked.
“The part of the civilization you were about to be born in, the country of the saints, foresees your future just like it is. They sense that it is better for you to depart than to lose your sheen in this cruel world.” The radiance responded.
But I lay there, a spirit robbed of its deserving resurgence, feeling like a mosquito squatted without emotions. A lifeless heap of insignificant nothingness…
“ Don’t feel disappointed companion, come let me tell you your fate, if you would have been allowed to persist your curtailed journey.” Countered the Radiance.

“Initially, if you would have born, you would have conferred as a curse to your parents; your mother would have been nagged and even trampled mercilessly for producing a disgrace in the family which cannot furnish her parents with anything but hardships. You would either have been disposed off by the parents in a retiring nook or if you were lucky, taken as a curse to all their sins to be bought up in a boisterous environment.”
“As you would grow, you would understand that being a girl child was definitely a peccadillo. You would have been asked to handle the household chores even when your elder brother was allowed to play with his friends. You would have been denied education as teaching your brother would have been your parent’s priority. Even if you deserved something, you would have been often shorn of it.”
“Then at the time you graduated into adulthood, you would have become the source of great distress to your parents, you would have become a delicate flower which attracts insects for honey, a flower whose colors defy the laws of unkempt upbringing. Due to the mounting fear of an insurgence, your parents would have married you off at a time when you did not even understand the meaning of connubial liaison.”
“You would have been torn, raped, eaten away by hungry predators who, with all their robust motives desired to drink the honey of your youth, you would have cried, pleaded for mercy, but never has this male dominated world shown mercy on a helpless and insignificant feminine. Your body would have been used as a goblet to taste the acrid wine of lust and you would have hated yourself for being at such a dismal position.”
“But, my heart is so small” I whispered, “its almost invisible. How can you place such big sorrows in it? “Look”, he answered, “your eyes are even smaller, but they behold the world”. I was in awe, the radiance was precise.
“The next step of your chastisement would have been your biggest blessing; your power to create new life, the only reprieve you would have obtained was when you would have delivered a male child, and if you would have been unsuccessful in doing so, your punishment would have been the most relentless. Yes, here we have come in full circle, the same anecdote repeats itself and the plight of the girl-child remains the same.” The radiance explained.
“In a country where the ratio of Male and Female population is 964:1000, the predicament of the female is a strange rite, this even I can’t explain to you…”
“To be or not to be” I said, “is not my dilemma anymore. To break away from both worlds is not bravery. To be unaware of the wonders that exist in me, that was real madness!”
“Its high time, the inhabitants of the country which belongs to the sacred feminine realizes the strength and the importance of the fair sex, history is an alibi of the fact that a women has always been self sacrificing, she sacrifices her happiness for her sibling as a child, as a wife for her husband, as a mother for her child. She is the most humble life benefactor on the planet. Its time, women should be stopped treated as dirt, thrown down the drain for the meager cause of being just a woman.”
“My child, I am a woman too, I have felt the disgrace and the pain, but I no longer sustain the wounds of my injuries, I have implied on the most important rule of woman ness, and that is forgiveness.”
“I have understood, O wise one, and I hope my plight will teach the others too, others who think we are inferior and incapable. But what good do I hold now? What is my destiny now?” I exclaimed.
And then with a remarkable display of arrogance and finality, the radiance whispered.

“You are the cure hidden in the pain.
Concealed in anger and betrayal
Is your compassion and loyalty.
You are not only in Heaven,
I see your footprints
Everywhere on Earth.

Democratic Paranoia

Posted by Prince 0 comments

When the biggest direct democracy of the world undergoes it’s election exercise, the whole world watches in awe, hoping that it’s ever so proactive citizens will wake up to the challenge and choose an able representative for this booming economy and a vibrant young crowd. But despite the big advertising campaigns the film stars and cricketers. The ‘pappu’ taunts and the ‘Dot is Hot’ crusades turned out to be nothing but a gimmick as the financial capital of India which had suffered the biggest terror attack in the country last year just managed a meager 43.5%, not only that, Delhi which also suffered a series of bomb blasts in 2008 was confused weather to press the button or not, the outcome was 50% votes. All this combined with the fact that the 15th assembly elections come at probably the most crucial time, globally. The recession, rising communal terrorism and a global interest loss in the two Asian giants are just the face of the problematic serpent…

On the contrary (and to my surprise) the youth has reacted in a very abash manner, this was a point where we, as youngsters could have proven a point, by going forward in full flow and stemming the roots of violence and injustice. We could have stopped the illicit ‘Behenji’ from spreading the roots of caste based politics; we could have stopped the incognito communal ‘Ram sene’ and ‘Shiv Sena’ from ruining the basics of a violence gratis communal and free for all society. We could have made the retirement of the so called ‘old horses’ of the IPL (Indian Political League) possible. But no, we chose to enjoy a long weekend…

The role of youth in this situation should have been as clear as water but why would they pay heed to the ailing nation?

I reacted quite strongly against a divulging status message on the social networking site ‘Facebook’ by an ex colleague from my institution. The message said something about abolishing democracy as the ‘Netas’ do not know how to use power and the people do not know how to vote. This lead to a livid discussion amongst us, the excerpts of which are given below:-


 Ayush Dixit at 5:16pm May 8

What this country needs are more unemployed politicians...

But what has come over you Nirala?


Vaibhav Narula at 5:33pm May 8

Dumb democrat system!! No one has any idea about the political imbalances of our so called democratic imbalances still people are voting


Vaibhav Narula at 5:39pm May 8

R&D Funds for life sciences, biotech for more info visit our dumb DBT national site


Vaibhav Narula at 5:40pm May 8

@Ayush previous message


 Ayush Dixit at 5:40pm May 8

What do u want? An autocracy? So that the rich rule and suck the blood of poor? Open ur eyes and see the state of Nepal, and if u think we should adopt a Presidential Democracy, not happening... what we need to do is to STOP blaming the system and get into politics.. We Change India Changes...


Vaibhav Narula at 5:47pm May 8

@ayush i want a proper legible political system with educated politicians n responsible voters ....u voted let me guess not!! n wt bout china....


 Ayush Dixit at 6:04pm May 8

And you think that will happen overnight? No country can educate its population overnight specially if it was a slave for 150 years. Your insinuations are amusing, yes i voted, I had to go back to Bhopal for a day taking a holiday from my office. And as for China, Vaibhav, you are talking about a communist country which is still struggling to undertake democracy over economy.. In other words, its just a ruthless animal with a lust for blood... I don't think that would be your dream for India. Right?


Vaibhav Narula at 6:25pm May 8

Right.....but one must understand the narrow line which sevaralises democracy republic practiced n democracy ideology we studied in our civics book .........i have firm believe in true democracy ideology!


Vaibhav Narula at 6:27pm May 8

@Ayush voted :)


 Ayush Dixit at 6:36pm May 8

You fail to comprehend my point Vaibhav, the whole country is trying to get rid of the pseudo-democracy tag that posses but in vain, the 50% turnout here in Jaipur proves it. As for the compliance of the Civics in our books, one must strive as the system needs leaders, you and me... Only then true democracy can be obtained. Unlike what you put forward in your previous status messages that we should outrightly abolish democracy. Eye for an eye jus makes the world blind.


 Ayush Dixit at 6:38pm May 8

Yes buddy... I voted and I always will. Till the time I am alive. No matter where I reside on the face of this Planet. I will change my Country.


The conversation between me and my colleague is just one example of the many disputes that a young mind faces in these times of irregularities. It is but us who should finally decide. We are hard working people who need success and strive hard for it, if we work as hard as maybe just 10% for the betterment of our country, we can make a difference.

The change beckons you.

If you support the cause and my ideology please send in your neo-generis to:-