World is the strangest of Places...

Posted by Prince Friday, April 27, 2007

World is the strangest of places, no actually it’s a journey, a journey which a person takes alone, in this journey, he goes places, meets people and leaves imprints of numerous memories, some good, some bad, but with every step taken, the person learns, he learns a new lesson in life every time he sets off for a sojourn.
For me journeys were always mystical, filled with an urge of freedom, freedom from school in the prior years of my life and freedom from worldly obligations in its latter part. Till the time I separated from my parents, to enter the next phase of my journey, I found myself ‘walking alone’ for the first time I felt scared, at first, like a bird ready to fly for the first time, to harness its newly acquired wings, to smell the air... There I stood; looking back, waiting for the warmth of my mother’s hug, for the caress of my fathers strong, yet gentle hands but it was not to be, it was this time when I realized that my time of selfdom has come, and I set off, off to the world where Darwin’s ‘survival of the fittest’ truly came into application, but the youth and exuberance that I processed was unconquerable, and the realization of the fact that my parent’s sacrifice is resting on my tender shoulders made me more hungry and there I started walking alone…but I soon realized that it wasn’t as easy I thought it would be, I faced challenges from this very competitive world, here, everyone wants a piece of sky for themselves. For a person who has always been taught that it’s better to sleep hungry than to steal, this world was an exact vice-versa, just like the bird which was never told about the predators lurking behind every shadow ready to pounce upon the helpless creature and swallow it in one gulp. I too was a mere piece of morsel, for people who were pros at making fool out of a person and then, came the enlightenment factor… (To be continued)