World is the strangest of Places...

Posted by Prince Friday, April 27, 2007 0 comments

World is the strangest of places, no actually it’s a journey, a journey which a person takes alone, in this journey, he goes places, meets people and leaves imprints of numerous memories, some good, some bad, but with every step taken, the person learns, he learns a new lesson in life every time he sets off for a sojourn.
For me journeys were always mystical, filled with an urge of freedom, freedom from school in the prior years of my life and freedom from worldly obligations in its latter part. Till the time I separated from my parents, to enter the next phase of my journey, I found myself ‘walking alone’ for the first time I felt scared, at first, like a bird ready to fly for the first time, to harness its newly acquired wings, to smell the air... There I stood; looking back, waiting for the warmth of my mother’s hug, for the caress of my fathers strong, yet gentle hands but it was not to be, it was this time when I realized that my time of selfdom has come, and I set off, off to the world where Darwin’s ‘survival of the fittest’ truly came into application, but the youth and exuberance that I processed was unconquerable, and the realization of the fact that my parent’s sacrifice is resting on my tender shoulders made me more hungry and there I started walking alone…but I soon realized that it wasn’t as easy I thought it would be, I faced challenges from this very competitive world, here, everyone wants a piece of sky for themselves. For a person who has always been taught that it’s better to sleep hungry than to steal, this world was an exact vice-versa, just like the bird which was never told about the predators lurking behind every shadow ready to pounce upon the helpless creature and swallow it in one gulp. I too was a mere piece of morsel, for people who were pros at making fool out of a person and then, came the enlightenment factor… (To be continued)

I searched among the card displays,
To see if I could find,
A little something that would say
Just what was on my mind?

However there was not a one,
That captured you just right,
I even find it difficult
To write it down…

I close my eyes and what I see,
Is someone I adore?
A person who is beautiful,
Right down into their soul.

Mere words can't describe
The many qualities u show,
The love n caring nature that
U share with those who know.

Ur kind and gentle temperament,
Ur sweet angelic smile,
Ur softly spoken sentiments,
That reaches across d miles.

Your smile n laugh that sparkle with
The softness of your sighs,
The way your face lights up a room...
Those twinkle in your eye.

The loving gestures thru d years,
That quickly comes to mind,
4 always you've a gentle word
To calm and soothe I find.

I struggle and I search to try
To find some words I knew...
And yet I can't capture
All the things that make you,’ YOU’.

I shall therefore, be satisfied
That you must simply know,
Just how I feel about you,
For with words I cannot show...


Posted by Prince 0 comments

Pehli saans, meri din ki pehli dhoop,
Chaand ki pehli kiran.
Pehla geet, baarish ki pehli boond,
Tum sheet ki pehli kampan.
Usney bheja tumhey mere liye,
Sooney dil kee tum dhadkan…
Saanson mein Jo,
Mere khwabon mein Jo,
Voh ho TUM…
Raaton mein Jo,
Meri baaton mein Jo,
Voh ho TUM…

Pehli saans, phoolon ki tum khushboo,
Pehli jeet tum pehli haar.
Pehla geet, poonam ki pehli raat,
Tum hi ho mera pehla pyaar.
Usney bheja tumhey mere liye,
Mere dil ki tum dulhan…
Saanson mein Jo,
Mere khwabon mein Jo,
Voh ho TUM…
Raaton mein Jo,
Meri baaton mein Jo,
Voh ho TUM…
Voh ho TUM…

Saanson mein Jo,
Mere khwabon mein Jo,
Voh ho TUM…
Raaton mein Jo,
Meri baaton mein Jo,
Voh ho TUM…

Saanson mein Jo,
Mere khwabon mein Jo,
Voh ho TUM…
Raaton mein Jo,
Meri baaton mein Jo,
Voh ho TUM…

Bring it on

Posted by Prince Saturday, February 3, 2007 0 comments

Constant pain, Anguish,


everything takes its Toll

the moment i be happy


Burns my Soul.

Moments when i am happy and i don't regret,

save me, help me cause i am in a mortal threat.

i was walking down the aisle with her hand in my hand,

god how i wished the world would never offend.

but neverhas this world been mercy of thee,

never let me be,

never set me free,

never ever has this world...

allowed me to plea

Objection overuled, that's what they gotta say,

i say,

lookie world i'm back on my feet,

you tried pulling me down but did not succeed,

you cannot beat,

the zeal, the testimony that i possess.

the fire that burns is still carressed,

by my heart which is still so brave to write,

what's right,

i'll always write...

i'll always write...

what's right.

Angel Eyes

Posted by Prince 1 comments

Childhood infatuations is and will remain to be a very intense yet sweet phenomenon in my memoirs. To me, infatuation is a harmless feeling of love and attractiveness which can be cherished and can be, later in the life, thought upon as a fine blend of passion with an urge of acquiring something very precious and dear to a person.

As far as i remember, my first Infatuation (to the other sex) took place when i was 8 or 9 years of age, there was this girl named Minnie who lived close to my place, our parents were in close acquaintance and hence, we were always welcomes at each other's houses. She was in the same grade as me and hence we shared academical references too. She was a very sweet and witty girl full of energy, I used to call her Angel as she liked being referred to (only her sister other than me called her so) most of the times, we fought over petty matters, fights which sometimes went so much out of control that her elder sister had to interfere and resolve, but we shared a very special bond as we could never be angry at each other and that made our friendship last.

I still remember the time when i developed conjunctivitis and even after constant refrainments by her parents and mine, she remained with me taking a day off from school and helping me out in every possible way, keeping me happy and taking my mind off my illness and amazingly so, even after her close proximity with and infected person, she never developed conjunctivitis herself till the epidemic lasted.

At that point of time, i considered myself to be the luckiest person on the face of the planet! but my happiness was soon to be elcipsed...

Her Father, who was working in a bank got transferred to another city (Jabalpur), the day was one of the worst days of my entire life, our families celebrated their farewell together but for me, the celebrations were far over, and after she left the city, I cursed myself for not letting her know how special she was for me and how much i cared for her...

the feelings and the innocence of childhood love can never return and never can i expect her to stand at my doorstep and call out my name with her shrill yet sweet voice again, but i still hope to meet her one day, just to see how her life has shaped up in the past 12 years and hoping thats he would be proud of what i've achived.

Here's hoping loads of love and luck to the Angel who still resides in some forbidden corner of my heart...

The Introspect

Posted by Prince Wednesday, January 24, 2007 2 comments

01-23-2007, Tuesday, 1705 Hrs
At this time, i am currently resting on my couch, slowly penning down my ideas on a blank page of my diary, significant though is the fact that my life is far interesting and colourful than these whites.
After creating this blog space, the first thing that comes to my mind is the fact that weather my ever so ambitious decision to go online with my works, will be fulfilled?
As i scribble through, the earth has gently spun on its axis, the world as i see it is an ever changing sphere of actions and emotions unexplainable and appropriate to justify, the pace at which everything changes in this world, sometimes makes me feel dizzy and at times when things are not going my way, everything comes to a standstill.
The insane create worlds, the sane live in them...
the sane create cages,
the insane live in them.
There are times when this world amazes me with its kindness and generosity, at other times, i see the gruesome face of inhumanity which makes my soul tremble, this ever changing behaviour of the Yin and Yang help me co relate this world to my own self and the dual nature that i posses, sometimes full of energy whilst sometimes a lifeless mass of matter in a desperate search of Moksha.
I am thus in my veiws a very sceptical but amicable person who has questions and imaginations which will forever amuse and educate my readers because,
A careless word may kindle strife.
A cruel word may wreck a life.
A timely word may level stress.
A loving word may heal and bless.